Candace Hudgins Says Yes to Softball – Shoulder Pain

I’ve always been athletic, and I love coaching softball for Deep Creek High School’s junior varsity team. But in the spring of 2015, I couldn’t ignore the pain in my right shoulder. I put up with it for a little while, but that summer, I made an appointment with SMOC. I’m so glad I did because it turned out I had a torn labrum.
When I went in to see Dr. Samuel Brown, I wasn’t too surprised to hear I’d injured my right shoulder—that’s my throwing arm—but he told me I’d torn my right labrum in not just one, but two different spots. The only solution was to do surgery.
Dr. Brown did my torn labrum surgery at Chesapeake Regional Medical Center, which went great. The staff took good care of me, and I had no complaints or complications, and an easy recovery. I started physical therapy within the first week after surgery, just 3 or 4 days later. The first visit, post-surgery, they changed my bandages, and the pain was very manageable.
We started a regular physical therapy schedule, from the end of September (a week after my surgery), all the way until the last week of February 2016—right before softball tryouts. I saw Jennifer and Carole at the Chesapeake office. I know that the regular, intentional physical therapy is to thank for getting me back to my full mobility as I recovered from my torn labrum.
Thinking about where I was, post-surgery, to where I am now—PT is what got me back. I would’ve been too scared to do it myself. With SMOC’s physical therapists’ support and guidance, I was able to recover faster—they made corrections and helped me as I exercised. I did exercises at home as well, but they walked me through it…they called me the poster child for physical therapy!
When you set a goal, you work toward it. Mine was to be able to throw to my girls again. SMOC repaired by torn labrum and made it possible for me to say “Yes” to coaching softball. And it doesn’t hurt!